Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shopkeeper's Bell part ll

Still working on this bell thing with Tally. The problem is, she has about a 7 second memory. So she goes to the door and looks at us, wanting out. I'll go over and say, very encouragingly of course, "Ring the bell, Tally!" which translates to her as "blah blah blah, Tally!" I try to point to the bell, but she thinks I have a treat in my hand, so she goes after my hand instead of the bell. Sometimes she kind of knocks the bell in the process, but it usually isn't enough to make it ring. I end up ringing it FOR her and opening the door. So if she's learning anything, it's that she can go out if she can get me over to ring the bell.

But this is all just the first step in reaching those closer and closer approximations, until, ta-dah, she rings the bell on her own. The challenging part is running through this process in 7 seconds or less, because any longer and she forgets that she wants to go outside. If we go 8 seconds, 9 seconds before I ring the bell and open the door, she just looks at me and walks off.

But...tonight she rang the bell! I'm 99.9% sure it was purely accidental, but that bell rang loud and clear. She managed to hook her nose inside the bell, so when she pulled it away the bell gave a clear, loud ring. Any shopkeeper would have come running. I praised her, praised her, praised her - but quickly so I could get her out the door before 7 seconds was up. Tally just looked confused, but I shoved her out the door before time ran out. Of course, she wanted right back in. She keeps forgetting it's really cold out.

1 comment:

  1. When we read into teaching Lou everything we read suggested starting by ringing the bell yourself every time you open the door. And that is what we did with Lou. We never showed him how to ring it, we just rang it ourselves and eventually he associated the sound with the door opening, so when he wanted out he started ringing it.
